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Rep. Curry, Pat

89th Legislative Session



NumberAuthor(s)SponsorLast ActionCaption
HB 1079CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to the inclusion of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and Leadership Officer Training Corps programs as public school career and technology education programs and the indicator of achievement for military readiness under the public school accountability system.
HB 1080Curry | Leo WilsonNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to the publication of required notice by a political subdivision by alternative media.
HB 1081CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to the placement by a school district of a student who engages in a course of conduct that demonstrates habitually violent, harmful, or destructive behavior.
HB 1082CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to claiming an exemption from required immunizations for school enrollment.
HB 1083CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
HB 1084CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to the regulation of in vitro fertilization procedures; authorizing an administrative penalty.
HB 1085CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to the offering of a lifetime recreation and outdoor pursuits course to satisfy the physical education curriculum requirements for public high school students.
HB 1086CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1195CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to the date of an election seeking voter approval for the issuance of a school district bond.
HB 1197CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to a requirement that an election for a member of a board of trustees of an independent school district is partisan.
HB 1339Curry | OliversonNo Sponsor11/14/2024 H FiledRelating to designating certain substances as Schedule IV controlled substances under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.
HB 1340CurryNo Sponsor11/14/2024 H FiledRelating to certain federal law enforcement agents serving as armed security officers at public schools and the authority of the chief of school safety and security for the Texas Education Agency to carry a weapon on public school grounds.
HB 1736Curry | CunninghamNo Sponsor01/06/2025 H FiledRelating to daylight saving time.
HB 2439CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledRelating to the abolishment of the Texas Animal Health Commission and the transfer of its functions to the Department of Agriculture.
HB 2440CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledRelating to the authority of a state agency or the state's air quality state implementation plan to impose certain restrictions with respect to a motor vehicle, including a motor vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine.
HB 2481CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledRelating to the exemption from sales and use taxes for clothing, footwear, and certain school-related items.
HB 2482CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledRelating to a prohibition on chronic wasting disease containment zones and surveillance zones established by the Parks and Wildlife Commission or the Parks and Wildlife Department.
HB 2483CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledRelating to an account for construction retainage.
HB 2484CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledRelating to an account for construction retainage.
HB 2715CurryNo Sponsor02/12/2025 H FiledRelating to the suspension and removal from office of certain elected officials of this state or a political subdivision of this state.
HB 2716CurryNo Sponsor02/12/2025 H FiledRelating to the consideration of a history of family violence, child neglect or abuse, or sexual offenses in suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 2732CurryNo Sponsor02/12/2025 H FiledRelating to prohibiting school districts from providing student instruction on Veterans Day.
HB 2862CurryNo Sponsor02/14/2025 H FiledRelating to certain compensation and reimbursement information required to be disclosed in a lobbyist registration form.
HB 2949CurryNo Sponsor02/18/2025 H FiledRelating to Celebrate Veterans Week in public schools.
HB 2984CurryNo Sponsor02/18/2025 H FiledRelating to a rebuttable presumption that a person is intoxicated based on an alcohol concentration level analysis.
HB 3344CurryNo Sponsor02/25/2025 H FiledRelating to the regulation of roofing contractors; providing an administrative penalty; authorizing a fee; creating a criminal offense; requiring an occupational license.
HCR 64CurryNo Sponsor02/05/2025 H FiledDesignating the first full week in April as Gifted and Talented Students Week for a 10-year period ending in 2035.
HR 136Curry | RaymondNo Sponsor02/19/2025 H Referred to Local & Consent Calendars: Feb 19 2025 11:46AM In memory of Clyde Vance Dunnam of Waco.
HR 163CurryNo Sponsor02/04/2025 H FiledRecognizing February 11, 2025, as West Day at the State Capitol.
HR 166CurryNo Sponsor02/19/2025 H Referred to Local & Consent Calendars: Feb 19 2025 11:46AM Recognizing March 19, 2025, as Waco Day at the State Capitol.
HR 193CurryNo Sponsor02/13/2025 H Reported enrolled: Feb 13 2025 1:18PM Recognizing February 13, 2025, as West Day at the State Capitol.
HR 338CurryNo Sponsor02/25/2025 H Reported enrolled: Feb 25 2025 6:02PM Recognizing February 25, 2025, as Baylor Day at the State Capitol.
HR 363CurryNo Sponsor02/25/2025 H FiledCongratulating Midway ISD on its impressive showing in the 2025 U.S. News & World Report Best Elementary and Middle Schools rankings.
HR 394CurryNo Sponsor02/27/2025 H FiledCongratulating Texan John Ratcliffe on his appointment as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
HR 395CurryNo Sponsor02/27/2025 H FiledHonoring Texan Scott Turner on his appointment as the U.S. secretary of housing and urban development.
HR 396CurryNo Sponsor02/27/2025 H FiledHonoring Brooke Rollins of Fort Worth on her appointment as the U.S. secretary of agriculture.


NumberAuthor(s)SponsorLast ActionCaption
HB 5Craddick | Thompson | Hunter | Bonnen | CurryNo Sponsor02/25/2025 H Referred to Public Health: Feb 25 2025 3:35PM Relating to the creation of the Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.
HB 1043Bhojani | CurryNo Sponsor11/12/2024 H FiledRelating to a study by the General Land Office on the establishment and implementation by the General Land Office of a distributed ledger-based title registry pilot program.
HB 1636Oliverson | CurryNo Sponsor12/16/2024 H FiledRelating to designating certain substances as Schedule IV controlled substances under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.
HB 2389Kerwin | CurryNo Sponsor02/04/2025 H FiledRelating to prohibiting the purchase of or acquisition of title to real property by and contracts or other agreements with certain aliens or foreign entities.
HB 2626Buckley | Hickland | Curry | SpillerNo Sponsor02/10/2025 H FiledRelating to creating the Central Texas Water Alliance; providing authority to issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to impose fees.
HJR 3Craddick | Bonnen | Hunter | Thompson | CurryNo Sponsor02/25/2025 H Referred to Public Health: Feb 25 2025 3:35PM Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, establishing the Dementia Prevention and Research Fund to provide money for research on and prevention and treatment of dementia and related disorders in this state, and transferring to that fund $3 billion from state general revenue.
HJR 5Lambert | Wilson | Curry | Harris DavilaNo Sponsor02/25/2025 H Referred to Higher Education: Feb 25 2025 3:35PM Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of funds to support the capital needs of educational programs offered by the Texas State Technical College System and repealing the limitation on the allocation to that system and its campuses of the annual appropriation of certain constitutionally dedicated funding for public institutions of higher education.
HR 17Raymond | CurryNo Sponsor02/19/2025 H Referred to Local & Consent Calendars: Feb 19 2025 11:46AM In memory of Corey D. Comperatore of Sarver, Pennsylvania.
HR 51Raymond | CurryNo Sponsor02/19/2025 H Referred to State Affairs: Feb 19 2025 11:43AM Condemning the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and denouncing political violence.