Committee Interim Reports Archives
Legislative Session 88th
Committee Charges
- 88th Session Interim Charges [PDF, 499 KB]
- Criminal Jurisprudence [PDF, 2.5 MB]
- Culture Recreation & Tourism [PDF, 2.9 MB]
- Defense and Veterans Affairs [PDF, 2.2 MB]
- Elections [PDF, 1,593 KB]
- Human Services [PDF, 1,498 KB]
- Licensing and Administrative Procedures [PDF, 1,574 KB]
- Pensions Investments & Financial Services [PDF, 2.7 MB]
- Transportation [PDF, 2.3 MB]
Investigative Committees
Select Committees
Legislative Session 87th
Committee Charges
- 87th Session Interim Charges
- Joint Charges on Mass Violence Prevention and Community Safety
- Interim Committee Charges Related to the Texas-Mexico Border
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Business and Industry
- County Affairs
- Culture, Recreation and Tourism
- Defense & Veterans' Affairs
- Energy Resources
- Environmental Regulation
- Higher Education
- Human Services
- Insurance
- International Relations & Economic Development
- Natural Resources
- Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
- Juvenile Justice and Family Issues
- Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services
- Public Education
- Public Health
- State Affairs
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
- Ways & Means
Select Committees
Study Committees
Joint Committees
Investigative Committees
Legislative Session 86th
- 86th Session Interim Charges
- Aggregate Production Operations
- Corrections
- Culture, Recreation and Tourism
- Defense and Veterans' Affairs
- Higher Education
- Insurance
- Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
- Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
- Public Education
- Land and Resource Management
- Licensing and Administrative Procedures
- Natural Resources
- Transportation
- Ways & Means
Legislative Session 85th
- 85th Session Interim Charges
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Culture, Recreation and Tourism
- Cybersecurity
- Defense and Veterans' Affairs
- Economic and Small Business Development
- General Investigating and Ethics
- Government Transparency and Operation
- Higher Education
- Human Services
- Investments and Financial Services
- Natural Resources
- Pensions
- Public Education
- Public Health
- Transportation
- Special Purpose Districts
- State Affairs
Select Committees
Legislative Session 84th
- 84th Session Interim Charges
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Business and Industry
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Culture, Recreation and Tourism
- Defense and Veterans' Affairs
- Economic and Small Business Development
- General Investigating and Ethics
- Government Transparency and Operation
- Higher Education
- Homeland Security and Public Safety
- Insurance
- Investments and Financial Services
- Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
- Land and Resource Management
- Natural Resources
- Pensions
- Public Education
- Public Health
- Special Purpose Districts
- State Affairs
- State Real Property Data Collection, Reporting and Assessing
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
Select Committees
Legislative Session 83rd
- 83rd Session Interim Charges
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Business and Industry
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Culture, Recreation, and Tourism
- Economic and Small Business Development
- Energy Resources
- Environmental Regulation
- Government Efficiency and Reform
- Higher Education
- Homeland Security and Public Safety
- Human Services
- International Trade and Intergovernmental Affairs
- Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
- Land and Resource Management
- Natural Resources
- Public Education
- Public Health
- State Affairs
- Technology
- Transportation
Select Committees
- Child Protection
- Criminal Procedure Reform
- Economic Development Incentives
- Health Care Education and Training
- Transportation Funding, Expenditures and Finance
Joint Committees
Legislative Session 82nd
- 82nd Session Interim Charges
- Aging
- Agriculture and Livestock
- County Affairs
- Culture Recreation and Tourism
- Business and Industry
- Defense and Veterans' Affairs
- Economic and Small Business Development
- Elections
- General Investigating Ethics
- Government Efficiency and Reform
- Higher Education
- Homeland Security & Public Safety
- Human Services
- Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
- Land and Resource Management
- Manufacturing
- Natural Resources
- Public Education
- Public Health
- State Affairs
- Technology
- Texas Response to Federal Sequestration
- Transportation
Legislative Session 81st
- 81st Session Interim Charges
- Agriculture and Livestock
- Border and Intergovernmental Affairs
- Business and Industry
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Defense and Veterans Affairs
- Elections
- Energy Resources
- Environmental Regulation
- General Investigating and Ethics
- Government Efficiency and Accountability
- Higher Education
- Human Services
- Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
- Natural Resources
- Pensions Investments and Financial Services
- Public Education
- Public Health
- Public Safety
- State Affairs
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
- Ways and Means
Select Committees
Legislative Session 80th
- Agriculture & Livestock
- Business & Industry
- County Affairs
- Defense Affairs and State Federal Relations
- Corrections
- Economic Development
- Elections
- Electric Generation Capacity and Environmental Effects
- Environmental Regulation
- Energy Resources
- Financial Institutions
- Government Reform
- House Administration
- Human Services
- Land & Resource Management
- Law Enforcement
- Local Government Ways and Means
- Pensions and Investments
- Public Education
- Public Health
- Regulated Industries
- Select Committee - Hurricane Ike Devastation
- Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform
- Services for Individuals Eligible for Intermediate Care Facility Services, Select
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
Legislative Session 79th
- Agriculture & Livestock
- Business & Industry
- Civil Practices
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Economic Development
- Energy Resources
- Elections
- Environmental Regulation
- Financial Institutions
- General Investigating & Ethics
- Higher Education
- Human Services
- Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
- Land & Resource Management
- Law Enforcement
- Local Government Ways & Means
- Natural Resources
- Public Health
- Redistricting
- Regulated Industries
- State Affairs
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
Legislative Session 78th
- Agriculture & Livestock
- Border & International Affairs
- Business & Industry:Interim Report ,Appendix 1 ,Appendix 2a ,Appendix 2b ,Appendix 3 ,Appendix 4 ,Appendix 5 ,Appendix 6a ,Appendix 6b ,Appendix 7 ,Appendix 8
- Child Welfare & Foster Care, Select Interim
- Civil Practices
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations
- Economic Development
- Elections
- Energy Resources
- Environmental Regulation
- General Investigating
- Human Services
- Land & Resource Management
- Law Enforcement
- Licensing & Administrative Procedures
- Natural Resources
- Pensions & Investments
- Public Education
- Public Health
- Redistricting
- Regulated Industries
- Sex Offender Statutes, Select Interim
- State Affairs
- State Cultural & Recreational Resources: Interim Report, Appendix
- State Health Care Expenditures, Select
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
- Ways & Means
Joint Committees
- Higher Education, Interim:
Signature Page,
Members Letters,
Joint Proclamation
FINAL, Table of Contents
Executive Summary, Interim Charge One, Interim Charge two, Interim Charge Three
Interim Charge Four, Interim Charge Five, Interim Charge Six, Interim Charge Seven
Interim Charge Eight, Interim Charge Nine, Interim Charge Ten
Appendices Title Page, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C.D.E., Endnotes
Legislative Session 77th
- Agriculture & Livestock
- Business & Industry
- Civil Practices
- Constitutional Revision
- Corrections
- County Affairs
- Criminal Jurisprudence
- Economic Development
- Elections
- Energy Resources
- Environmental Regulations:Table of Contents, Border, I & M, Lost & Stolen, Oversight
- Judicial Affairs
- Juvenile Justice and Family Issues
- Land and Resource Management
- Natural Resources
- Public Activity Bonds
- Public Health
- Public Safety
- Public School Finance
- Return-To-Work (Joint Committee)
- State Affairs (appendices)
- State, Federal, and International Relations
- State Recreational Resources
- Transportation
- Urban Affairs
- Ways & Means
- Water Resources (Joint Committee)
Legislative Session 76th
- Business & Industry
- Civil Practices PT. 1 PT. 2
- Corrections
- County Affairs Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
- Constitutional Revision Select
- Econonomic Development
- Elections
- Environmental Regulation
- Financial Institutions
- General Investigating
- Human Services
- Land & Resource Management
- Legislative Oversight on Long Term Care
- Natural Resources
- Pensions and Investments
- Public Health
- Public Safety
- Select Committee on Judicial Interpretation of Law
- Select Committee on Rural Development
- Select Committee on Windham School District
- State Affairs
- State Recreational Resources
- Transportation
- Teacher Health Insurance Select
- Urban Affairs