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Committee on Culture, Recreation & Tourism


Section 8. Culture, Recreation, and Tourism — The committee shall
have nine members, with jurisdiction over:
(1) the creation, operation, and control of state parks, including the
development, maintenance, and operation of state parks in connection with
the sales and use tax imposed on sporting goods, but not including any matter
within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Appropriations;
(2) the regulation and control of the propagation and preservation of
wildlife and fish in the state;
(3) the development and regulation of the fish and oyster industries
of the state;
(4) hunting and fishing in the state, and the regulation and control
thereof, including the imposition of fees, fines, and penalties relating to that
(5) the regulation of other recreational activities;
(6) cultural resources and their promotion, development, and
(7) historical resources and their promotion, development, and
(8) promotion and development of Texas’ image and heritage;
(9) preservation and protection of Texas’ shrines, monuments, and
(10) international and interstate tourist promotion and development;
(11) the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office as it
relates to the subject-matter jurisdiction of this committee;
(12) the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; and
(13) the following state agencies: the Parks and Wildlife Department,
the Texas Commission on the Arts, the State Cemetery Committee, the Texas
State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Historical Commission, the
State Preservation Board, the San Jacinto Historical Advisory Board, and an
office of state government to the extent the office promotes the Texas music