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Committee on Pensions, Investments & Financial Services


Section 26. Pensions, Investments, And Financial Services — The
committee shall have 11 members, with jurisdiction over all matters pertaining
(1) banking and the state banking system;
(2) savings and loan associations;
(3) credit unions;
(4) the regulation of state and local bonded indebtedness;
(5) the lending of money;
(6) benefits or participation in benefits of a public retirement system
and the financial obligations of a public retirement system;
(7) the regulation of securities and investments;
(8) privacy and identity theft; and
(9) the following state agencies: the Finance Commission of Texas,
the Credit Union Commission, the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner,
the Office of Banking Commissioner, the Texas Department of Banking, theDepartment of Savings and Mortgage Lending, the Texas Treasury Safekeeping
Trust Company, the Texas Public Finance Authority, the Bond Review Board,
the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System, the Board of Trustees of the
Teacher Retirement System of Texas, the Board of Trustees of the Employees
Retirement System of Texas, the Board of Trustees of the Texas County and
District Retirement System, the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal
Retirement System, the State Pension Review Board, and the State Securities