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An official website of the Texas government

Committee on Natural Resources


Section 25. Natural Resources — The committee shall have 11
members, with jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to:
(1) the conservation of the natural resources of Texas;
(2) the control and development of land and water and land and water
resources, including the taking, storing, control, and use of all water in the state,
and its appropriation and allocation;
(3) irrigation, irrigation companies, and irrigation districts, and their
incorporation, management, and powers;
(4) the creation, modification, and regulation of groundwater
conservation districts, water supply districts, water control and improvement
districts, conservation and reclamation districts, and all similar organs of local
government dealing with water and water supply not otherwise assigned by
these rules to another standing committee;
(5) oversight of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as
it relates to the regulation of water resources; and
(6) the following state agencies: the Office of Canadian River
Compact Commissioner for Texas, the Office of Pecos River Compact
Commissioner for Texas, the Office of Red River Compact Commissioner for
Texas, the Office of Rio Grande Compact Commissioner for Texas, the Office of
Sabine River Compact Commissioners for Texas, the Southwestern States Water
Commission, and the Texas Water Development Board.