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An official website of the Texas government

Committee on Energy Resources


Section 11. Energy Resources — The committee shall have 11 members,
with jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to:
(1) the conservation of the energy resources of Texas;
(2) the production, regulation, transportation, and development of oil,
gas, and other energy resources;
(3) mining and the development of mineral deposits within the state;
(4) the leasing and regulation of mineral rights under public lands;
(5) pipelines, pipeline companies, and all others operating as
common carriers in the state;
(6) electric utility regulation as it relates to energy production and
(7) identifying, developing, and using alternative energy sources;
(8) increasing energy efficiency throughout the state;
(9) the coordination of the state’s efforts related to the federal
designation of threatened and endangered species as it relates to energy
resources in the state; and
(10) the following state agencies: the Railroad Commission of Texas,
the Texas representative for the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission,
the Office of Interstate Mining Compact Commissioner for Texas, the State
Energy Conservation Office, and the Office of Southern States Energy Board
Member for Texas.