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Rep. Price, Four


State Representative Four Price, a fourth generation Texan from Amarillo, has the privilege of serving as the results-oriented voice for constituents residing in eight Texas Panhandle counties – Carson, Hansford, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Potter, and Sherman. In 2022, Price was re-elected to a seventh term in the Texas House of Representatives where he continues to vigorously advocate for the betterment of the Texas Panhandle and the entire Lone Star State.

Representative Price serves on the House Natural Resources Committee, the House Public Health Committee, and the House Select Committee on Health Care Reform. These committees provide Representative Price with additional leadership opportunities to help influence and shape significant public policy on numerous matters directly impacting the well-being of Texans daily – the sustainability of a reliable water supply and the delivery of healthcare services, including mental health.

Price believes that access to quality healthcare and clean water, along with sound public education and higher education opportunities, are foundational to the quality of life and prosperity of individual Texans and their communities. He further believes that these essentials are vital to the economic viability and long-term sustainability of rural Texas.

In addition to working on health care and water policy matters, Price has also championed legislation on brain injury prevention and rehabilitation, access to and the delivery of mental health services, and enhancing the state’s and region’s infrastructure including broadband and telemedicine/telehealth access.

During the 2021 Regular Legislative Session, Price authored and passed into law significant legislation regarding telemedicine and telehealth, House Bill 4, and the further strengthening of mental health parity through House Bill 2595. Also, Price helped shape the future of broadband infrastructure in Texas as one of four joint authors of House Bill 5. Additionally, he was the House sponsor of Senate Bill 1474, which could aid in the further development of Interstate 27 in Texas.

Some of the other major legislative measures Representative Price has championed into law in prior sessions include:

• HB 871 (86R) enhancing financial viability of rural hospitals.
• HB 1063 and HB 3345 (86R) enhancing the delivery of healthcare services via telemedicine.
• HB 2454 (86R) addressing the overprescribing of opioids.
• HB 1960 (86R) providing for an analysis of rural broadband opportunities.
• HB 1074 (86R) eliminating age discrimination in employer training programs.
• HB 18 and HB 19 (86R) enhancing mental health education & resources in public schools.
• HB 1079 (86R) requiring TxDOT to study the potential expansion of I-27.
• HB 406 (86R) increasing opportunities to register as an organ donor.
• HB 1136 (86R) enhancing tourism development opportunities statewide.
• HB 601 (86R) improving the nexus between mental health and criminal justice.
• HB 13 (85R) providing local opportunities to address mental health needs.
• HB 1697 (85R) enhancing neonatal intensive care telemedicine.
• HB 10 (85R) improving parity access to care for persons with mental health condition.
• HB 194 (84R) creating a Texas holiday in honor of Texas Gold Star Mothers.
• HB 635 (84R) ensuring parent rights to bury their unborn child's remains.
• HB 197 (84R) & HB 2895 (85R) raising mental health awareness at colleges/universities.
• HB 1212 (84R) and HB 2804 (85R) strengthening laws against synthetic drugs.
• HB 1869 (83R) helping injured Texans.
• HB 220 (83R) enhancing punishment for crimes against children.
• HB 2038 (82R), Natasha's Law, landmark legislation to support student athlete brain health.

Representative Price’s purposeful legislative work has garnered accolades from numerous organizations; among his recent honors are:

• 2021 Legislative Champion Award, Texas e-Health Alliance
• 2021 Children’s Health Care Hero Award, Children’s Hospital Association of Texas
• 2021 Connecting All Texans Broadband Award, Digital Texas
• 2020 A Legislative Champion, 86th Legislature, Texas Nurses Association
• 2019 Madeline McClure Legacy Award, Child Protection Roundtable
• 2019 Telemedicine Recognition, TX Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society
• 2019 Texas Rural Health Award, Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals
• 2019 Law and Order Award, Texas District and County Attorneys
• 2019 Legislative Champion Award, AARP Texas
• 2018 Patient Advocacy Award, Texas Academy of Family Physicians
• 2018 Texas Heroes for Children Award, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children/TX
• 2018 Public Policy Award, Texas Suicide Prevention Council
• 2018 Champion for Children Award, Texas Coalition of Homes for Children
• 2018 Mental Health Advocate Award, Mental Health America of Greater Dallas
• 2018 Guardian of Small Business Award, National Federation of Independent Business/TX
• 2017 Mary Elizabeth Holdsworth Butt Award, Mental Health America/TX
• 2017 Big Voices for Little Texans Award, Texas CASA
• 2017 Champion of Transparency, Texas Press Association
• 2017 Luminary Award, Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute

Growing up in the Panhandle, Price attended Amarillo public schools. During summers, he worked on area farms and ranches. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in finance from the University of Texas at Austin. Price attended Saint Mary's University School of Law in San Antonio where he received his Juris Doctor degree.

Representative Price and his wife, Karen, are the proud parents of four adult children and one granddaughter. The Prices make their home in Amarillo and are members of a local church.