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Committee on Ways & Means


Section 34. Ways and Means — The committee shall have 11 members,
with jurisdiction over:
(1) all bills and resolutions proposing to raise state revenue;
(2) all bills or resolutions proposing to levy state taxes or other fees;
(3) all proposals to modify, amend, or change any existing state tax or
revenue statute;
(4) all proposals to regulate the manner of collection of state revenues
and taxes;
(5) all bills and resolutions containing provisions resulting in
automatic allocation of funds from the state treasury;
(6) all bills and resolutions diverting funds from the state treasury
or preventing funds from going in that otherwise would be placed in the state
(7) all bills and resolutions proposing to permit a local government to
raise revenue;
(8) all bills and resolutions proposing to permit a local government to
levy or impose property taxes, sales and use taxes, or other taxes and fees;
(9) all proposals to modify, amend, or change any existing local
government tax or revenue statute;
(10) all proposals to regulate the manner of collection of local
government revenues and taxes;
(11) all bills and resolutions relating to the appraisal of property for
(12) all bills and resolutions relating to the Tax Code; and
(13) the following state agencies: the Office of Multistate Tax
Compact Commissioner for Texas and the Comptroller of Public Accounts.