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Committee on State Affairs


Section 31. State Affairs — The committee shall have 13 members, with
jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to:
(1) questions and matters of state policy;
(2) the administration of state government;
(3) the organization, operation, powers, regulation, and management
of state departments, agencies, and institutions;
(4) the operation and regulation of public lands and state buildings;
(5) the duties and conduct of officers and employees of the state
(6) the duties and conduct of candidates for public office and of
persons with an interest in influencing public policy;
(7) the operation of state government and its agencies and
departments; all of above except where jurisdiction is specifically granted to
some other standing committee;
(8) access of the state agencies to scientific and technological
(9) the regulation and deregulation of electric utilities and the electric
(10) the regulation and deregulation of telecommunications utilities
and the telecommunications industry;
(11) electric utility regulation as it relates to energy production and
(12) pipelines, pipeline companies, and all others operating as
common carriers in the state;
(13) the regulation and deregulation of other industries jurisdiction of
which is not specifically assigned to another committee under these rules;
(14) advances in science and technology, i n c l u d i n g
telecommunications, electronic technology, or automated data processing, by
state agencies, including institutions of higher education;
(15) the promotion within the state of an advance described by
Subdivision (14) of this section;
(16) cybersecurity; and
(17) the following organizations and state agencies: the Council of
State Governments, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Office of
the Governor, the Texas Ethics Commission, the Texas Facilities Commission,
the Department of Information Resources, the Inaugural Endowment Fund
Committee, the Sunset Advisory Commission, the Public Utility Commission
of Texas, and the Office of Public Utility Counsel.