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Committee on Juvenile Justice & Family Issues


Section 21. Juvenile Justice and Family Issues — The committee shall
have nine members, with jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to:
(1) the commitment and rehabilitation of youths;
(2) the construction, operation, and management of correctional
facilities of the state and facilities used for the commitment and rehabilitation
of youths;
(3) juvenile delinquency and gang violence;
(4) criminal law, prohibitions, standards, and penalties as applied to
(5) criminal procedure in the courts of Texas as it relates to juveniles;
(6) civil law as it relates to familial relationships, including rights,
duties, remedies, and procedures; and
(7) the following state agencies: the Texas Juvenile Justice Board, the
Texas Juvenile Justice Department, the Office of Independent Ombudsman for
the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and the Advisory Council on Juvenile